We stayed there in isolation for two months straight." Droste stated that he and Rossen decided to "'try writing from the bottom up. Some of the best songs on the record, like "Speak in Rounds" and "Half Gate", came out of that. We just sat by the fire, Dan strumming, me singing, and it happened. And as soon as we got there, things started happening. It's my grandmother's house, we know it, and we can use it for free. Commenting on the return to Yellow House, Droste noted, "It's so funny that we went back there in the end. The band subsequently started afresh in early 2012, returning to Droste's mother's home in Cape Cod, where the band had previously recorded its second studio album, Yellow House (2006).

It took a long time." Ĭape Cod and Cape Cod Bay, where the band recorded the majority of the album's material. Getting back into it was really confusing.

My head kind of went out of the game or something. Then, you get back into the swing." Daniel Rossen elaborated, "The whole process with this record felt like starting over. Regarding the band's eventual return, Ed Droste noted, "Coming back together to try to write and record was like being in junior high again – after you go away for the summer, the first couple of weeks are slightly awkward when you get back to school. But, I really didn't want to book myself in with a band and go record them, so I decided I'd try and make my own record." Daniel Rossen recorded and released a solo EP, Silent Hour/Golden Mile (2012), featuring tracks initially intended for Shields. When we finished touring, I didn't want to take some time off, I just wanted to go into the studio. For whatever reason, I'm the kind of person who needs to constantly to work on stuff. I felt a little bit shell-shocked by the touring experience of Veckatimest and part of me was just wondering if there was some other version of a life that I could have that wasn't as heavily involved in the music industry." ĭuring the break, bass guitarist and producer Chris Taylor released a solo album, Dreams Come True (2011), under the pseudonym CANT, stating, "I can't just take a break. That was really good for everybody." Vocalist and guitarist Daniel Rossen stated, "Those were strange times. I needed to be back in my life with my friends and my spouse, and live a day-to-day existence that had nothing to do with music. Vocalist Ed Droste noted, "There was such a level of exhaustion that I really needed to pretend I wasn't in the band for a little bit.

Written and recorded following a six-month hiatus from band activities, the album was produced by bassist and multi-instrumentalist Chris Taylor. Shields is the fourth studio album by American indie rock band Grizzly Bear, released on Septemby Warp Records.